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Blog about houses on the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida

Rayos de Sol

Finding a reliable real estate agent in Spain. What should you pay attention to?

December 22, 2023
Finding a reliable real estate agent in Spain. What should you pay attention to?

The market and the current range of real estate agents in Spain

The cold winters in UK, the ever-increasing traffic on the road and in the cities, popular terms such as 'remote working' and a difficult housing market ensure that living (partially or completely) in Spain is becoming increasingly popular. It is becoming a topic of conversation at birthdays; almost everyone knows someone who has taken the step. Social media also plays a major role in this. While you scroll through Facebook and Instagram during your break, there is a good chance that you will see a video or photo of a cozy terrace, a beautiful beach or a workplace in the sun.

The demand for a (holiday) home in Spain is high. Many entrepreneurs and real estate agents respond to this and their marketing shows that they can offer beautiful homes. For years, unclear regulations have ensured that a broader group of people could call themselves 'real estate agents' without the necessary experience. In practice, it has often happened that buyers were not properly informed about what is involved in a purchase, paid too much money for the service, or did not receive good advice afterwards on all kinds of matters that apply to purchasing of a property. Many people have already read or heard an example and we can imagine that this also entails uncertainty. Certified professional real estate agents ensure an improvement in the quality of services.

Registered real estate agent on the Costa Blanca and membership of trade associations

Since October 2023, a new law has been in force for the Costa Blanca. This law imposes a registration obligation for real estate agents. This registration is called 'El registro de Agentes de Intermediacion inmobilaria' from the Comunidad de Valencia. This law ensures that buyers are more protected. A real estate agent does not easily just receive a registration. An estate agent must meet many requirements, for example: the estate agent must have a physical establishment in Spain, must have various insurance policies (civil liability insurance, insurance/bank guarantee that covers the down payment), and there must be proven training and experience.

Rayos de Sol has this registration and we also think it is important to be able to demonstrate our quality by being affiliated with various professional organizations.

In addition to mandatory registration, there are also professional organizations that real estate companies can join if they meet the quality requirements. These professional organizations are not mandatory, but they do show that a real estate agent has the necessary experience and high reliability.

Rayos de Sol is affiliated with the APIAL (A293) and the AIPP. In addition, we are officially registered in the register of real estate agents in the Comunidad Valenciana (RAICV 2853)

Why choose Rayos de Sol as a registered Spanish real estate agent?

It is important to choose an officially registered real estate agent who has demonstrable training and experience in the field of real estate agent. As you have read, we are fully registered and affiliated with professional organizations. Not only to demonstrate professionalism and reliability, but also to protect you (and your money) as best as possible. In addition, we have once taken the step of purchasing a home in Spain ourselves and are experts in the step you want to take. Rayos de Sol has been around for over 10 years and we have a small team of employees and a solid network of professionals who will guide you before, during and after the purchase. We do not have the ambition to become a large company in order to keep the service personal. We know the environment, culture and language and are happy to be your agent before, during and after the sale. This way your Spanish dream home no longer has to remain a dream. Your dream is our passion.

