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Rayos de Sol

How to choose the best agent to purchase a property in Spain?

July 22, 2021
How to choose the best agent to purchase a property in Spain?

If there is one thing that is important when buying a property in Spain, it is choosing a good real estate agent. Buying a house is of course a big step in itself, which becomes even bigger if it takes place abroad.

In this article, we will therefore tell you how to choose the right real estate agent, to guide you through this step.

Advice 1: Look for a specialist

Agents are springing up like mushrooms, which means that there are also many that are probably not a good match. We therefore recommend you to look for someone who is specialized in the area where you want to buy.

Just think about it: if you need surgery on your heart, you would rather go to a heart surgeon than to a general practitioner. The general practitioner may have more knowledge about a broader area, but in these cases it is nice to have a specialist at your side.

This certainly applies to your search for a real estate agent for houses in Spain. An agent who focuses specifically on the Spanish market or even on specific areas in Spain should have more knowledge about this market.

Beside, you can look at the type of houses that the agent offers. If you are looking for a luxury villa, it is not a good idea to choose an estate agent that only offers low-budget apartments.

The first step is therefore to clearly specify what you are looking for. Your real estate agent can help you find houses in Spain, but of course you need to know exactly what you expect.

Advice 2: Listen to your feelings

An agent can have many good reviews on the website, but if there is no connection, it won’t work. Especially with such a step as buying a house abroad, it is important that you have a good feeling with the agent.

For example, ask yourself whether the agent gives you the confidence you need. Are you convinced that this person can help you with the purchase of the house? How is the communication? Are your questions answered in a clear manner, or is there a lot of uncertainty? Do you have a good feeling about this person?

Is the answer to one or more questions “no”? In that case, we would recommend looking further and looking for an agent who gives you a confident feeling with regards to the entire process.

It is crucial that buying a house in Spain goes as smoothly as possible and gives you the least possible stress.

It is of course possible that problems arise during the process. That is also why it is extremely important to have the confidence that these problems will be solved in a good way.

Beside the communication from the agent, it is also essential that you communicate as good as possible yourself. Clearly state your wishes and expectations from the start, so that the chance of miscommunication is minimized.

Advice 3: Ask for references

The agent of your choice can praise itself, but it is of course better if you also hear experiences from clients. You may have people in your network who have already worked with this agent, but even if this is not the case, you can look for experiences from others.

Therefore, ask for references from the agent and contact them. An example of a question you can ask is whether they would do business with this agent again. Were the questions answered correctly, how was the communication and would they recommend this agent?

Also, don't forget to ask what previous clients situations were like. Is this situation similar to yours? For example, it is of little value if the agent has helped this customer in looking for a cheap property on the Costa del Sol, if you are looking for a luxury villa on the Costa Blanca yourself.

Advice 4: Compare agents

As mentioned earlier in this article, the range of agents is very large. The choice can therefore be overwhelming. That is why it is important that you compare a number of options before making the final choice.

If everything goes well, the potential agent will answer your questions in advance without any problem. Examples of questions you can ask include the following:

How many years of experience do you have in this market?

Do you have a team or do you work alone?

Do you work full-time as a real estate agent?

What are your customer expectations?

What makes you unique as an agent?

How many clients have you helped to buy a house in the past year?

Can you share experiences from previous clients?

What guarantees can you offer?

These questions may look like questions that might be asked in a job interview, but it's comparable to that. You are looking for the best option to help you in your house search, so it is certainly not strange to ask these questions before the collaboration.

If you have interacted with several agents, compare the options and make the right choice.

To cut it short: there is a lot to consider when looking for a real estate agent for buying houses in Spain!

You have seen that it can be quite a task to find the right real estate agent for buying houses in Spain. However, we hope these tips will help you on your way to achieving your dream.

We at Rayos de Sol are happy to help you take the next step. Please feel free to contact us to discuss what is possible. View our current offer here.

