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Blog about houses on the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida

Rayos de Sol

Pitfalls when purchasing a property in Spain

August 26, 2021
Pitfalls when purchasing a property in Spain

Buying a house is a big step, which often involves quite a bit of stress. A lot can go wrong, which can lead to nightmare scenarios. You want to avoid regretting your purchase! We therefore give you tips to avoid the most common pitfalls when you are going to buy a house in Spain. From lack of a financial overview to not having the paperwork in order: this is what you need to watch out for.

Limitations due to the language barrier

You can imagine that the process of buying a house becomes a lot more complicated when both parties speak a different language. If your Spanish is not yet good enough to do business, this is one of the major pitfalls when you want to buy a house in Spain.

It is of great importance that you know exactly what is in the purchase contracts and what obligations you are entering into. If not, you risk getting into trouble later.

We can therefore help you with this. Because we speak both English and Spanish, we have a clear overview of your wishes and we can advise you about the next steps.

No good guidance

One of the biggest pitfalls you can fall into when buying a house in Spain, is wanting to do everything yourself. We understand that you like to work independently, but this is certainly not always the best choice.

Certainly, when you decide to buy a house abroad, it is crucial that you are properly guided. Choose an expert who knows what he or she is talking about and who can advise you well during the purchase procedure.

We at Rayos de Sol have years of experience, which allows us to help you as good as possible. We know how everything works and what to expect. Besides, we know the area, which makes it easier for us to find the perfect place for you.

Lack of financial overview

When you search for houses in Spain on the internet and see the prices, you may think: that's not too bad! However, keep in mind that the price you see online is not the final price of the property.

For example, there are other purchase costs involved, but there may also be recurring costs such as the community of owners. This means that you must contribute monthly or annually to the communal facilities of the complex, such as the swimming pool.

In addition, the investment when buying a house in Spain is a lot higher than in the England: even when applying for a mortgage, you will need about 30 percent of the purchase price / valuation plus the additional purchase costs of about 13-14%. Therefore, make sure in advance that you have a clear overview of what you can spend and what you want and can spend on your future home.

Choosing the wrong location

Spain is a big country, which can make it difficult to decide where to buy a property. For us, there are two coastal areas that meet all requirements: the Costa Blanca and Costa Cálida.

The first advantage of these two coastal areas is that they are very easy to reach. From the Netherlands, Belgium and England you can fly to the Spanish airport within two and a half hours. From here you can easily reach your destination by public transport or by car.

In addition, both the Costa Blanca and the Costa Cálida offer everything you need. Beautiful cities, nature reserves where you can practice sports, and of course the breathtaking beaches.

This means that you can be active as well as enjoy the peace and quiet. Moreover, there is no mass tourism on most locations, which is the case in certain other areas in Spain.

Our working area extends from Cartagena to Jávea, which means that there is always an area that is suitable for you. Even if you do not know exactly which area best suits your wishes, we can advise you.

Only remote research

It can be tempting to do everything remotely. This way you don't have to leave England yourself and you can simply arrange the purchase from your home. Yet there are major risks involved, and this is one of the pitfalls if you want to buy a house in Spain.

You only really get a good idea of ​​the house and the surroundings when you visit it yourself. Photos and videos can give you a first impression, but it's important that you see it with your own eyes.

For that reason, we always recommend planning a viewing trip. During such a visit in Spain we not only take you to the house, but we show you the whole picture.

We show you the beaches, supermarkets and nicest restaurants in the area. Finding a beautiful home is the first step, but we want to make sure that you really feel at home in your new place!

As soon as we have planned your trip in consultation, we will ensure that you are picked up at the airport and that all necessary appointments are planned. In short: we make sure that there is no stress involved in this trip.

Not having the paperwork in order

We can imagine that you would prefer to sign the reservation contract as soon as possible. From that moment, there are still a few things that need to be arranged.

For example, it is important that you have a NIE, or a número de identidad de extranjero. You can compare this with your citizen service number in the UK and it is one of the first things you need. In addition, it is important to open a bank account in Spain (which is only possible once you have your NIE).

After signing the reservation contract, the purchase contract will be made. The purchase contract is drawn up by the builder or, in the case of existing properties, our lawyer. Our lawyer takes care of the complete settlement and checks all documents relating to the house. In Spain, for example, debts on the property are transferred to the buyer if they are not repaid. In addition, a building licence or licence of first (or second) occupation is important, as is an energy certificate. This is the reason that we always engage a lawyer to handle the purchase of your dream home.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you will have a better idea of ​​what to look for when purchasing. You know exactly what the pitfalls are when buying a house in Spain and how you can avoid them.

Do you need help with your purchase? Please contact us. We aim to respond within 24 hours. See you soon!

