Blog about houses on the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Blog about houses on the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida

Blog about houses on the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida

Rayos de Sol

What is the best way to buy a house in Spain?

October 28, 2021
What is the best way to buy a house in Spain?

Buying a house is already a huge step in itself, which becomes even bigger if you want to do this in Spain. From finding the right home to the purchase process: there is quite a bit involved! We therefore understand you well if you find it difficult to determine where to start.

That is why we will outline the entire process for you today in three steps. After reading this article you will know exactly what needs to be done and how we can make your dream of a house under the Spanish sun a reality.

The first step: list your wishes

First of all, it is important to know exactly what you are looking for. For example, do you already know in which region you want to buy a house? We recommend that you search on the Costa Blanca and Costa Cálida.

The reason for this? The climate is perfect! For example, the summers are nice and warm but not too hot, and in the winter it does not get too cold, but the temperature is still pleasant. Moreover, both coasts have beautiful beaches, beautiful cities and there is not too much tourism. It is also an easily accessible area, which is nice if you regularly fly back to your home country.

In addition to choosing the area, it is important to know what type of property you would like to purchase. For example, do you stay in this house all year round because it replaces your current home in your home country, or do you see it more as an investment and holiday home in Spain?

In addition, we recommend that you look at the options within your budget. It would be a shame if you have found your dream home and it turns out that it is not financially feasible! By having this clearly stated from the start, you will avoid disappointment. Of course we can help you to make the financial picture and to arrange a mortgage in Spain.

You should of course also think about what your hard requirements are for a home. Do you think the location near the beach is important, or do you necessarily need 3 bedrooms? These kinds of requirements are useful to determine in advance, so that you can search more specifically for your dream home.

The second step: taking action

You should now know what you are looking for. But how can you actually buy a house in Spain?

It's time to take action! Many people get stuck in the initial phase and never make their dream of buying a property in Spain come true. This is a shame, because it doesn't have to be that complicated.

We invite you to contact us to discuss your wishes and what would suit them. When we meet for the first time, we will suggest to schedule an appointment. This can be done by telephone, via Skype, but also at our office. We adapt to you as best we can.

Once we have a clear idea of ​​what you are looking for, we will use our portfolio to find options that best suit it. We will then give you an overview of these homes, so that you can look in peace to see if there is something for you. Is that the case? Then it's time to move on to the next step!

The third step: viewing and purchasing

Although the conversation to discuss your wishes can easily take place online or by telephone, we prefer clients to come to Spain for viewings (although online is possible). After all, the purchase of a house is not just something, we want you to stand behind your decision 100%!

We therefore help you organize the viewing trip for an home in Spain. In addition to advice regarding, for example, flights and accommodation, we will of course also schedule the viewings. Together with you, we make sure that everything is ready for you, so that we make the most of your time in Spain and you don't lose any time.

In addition to visiting the homes, we also think it is important that you get to know the area. Certainly if you want to build a new life in Spain, it is necessary that you feel at home. Fortunately, we know exactly where the nicest places are located, so this will not cause any problems! Of course you are not only in Spain for the house, but it is also nice to be able to relax and enjoy this wonderful country.

Then it is time to view the house itself. Does it meet your expectations and have you fallen in love with the house? We will then initiate the purchase process.

What exactly that process will look like is partly up to you. For example, you can give a power of attorney to a lawyer chosen by you or recommended by us, or with your own solicitor. This is useful in cases where you cannot be present at the transfer, but want to make the process as efficient as possible. This power of attorney can of course be revoked at any time.

That was it! Easier than you thought, right?

Those were all the steps that answer the question: What is the best way to buy a house in Spain? We hope this article has given you more insight into the purchasing process and that you have a better understanding of where you stand.

We at Rayos de Sol are happy to help you take the next step. Please feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities. View our current offer here. Will we see each other in Spain?

