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Blog about houses on the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida

Rayos de Sol

Spend the winter on Costa Blanca and Costa Cálida in Spain: These are the reasons to do it

January 13, 2023
Spend the winter on Costa Blanca and Costa Cálida in Spain: These are the reasons to do it

It has probably not escaped your notice: life has become a lot more expensive in a short time. One of the areas where this is evident is energy. Like many other UK residents, you have probably been shocked by the energy bill of the past few months. But what if we told you that you can avoid these costs, and enjoy the Spanish sun at the same time? Today we tell you why, in addition to these high energy costs, you should spend the winter in Spain.

To take a closer look at those high energy costs: how is it possible that these are so much lower in Spain than in the UK? The main explanation for this is the fact that Spain is less dependent on Russian suppliers and on the European gas network. As a result, gas prices are lower.

Of course you also use energy in Spain, but if those low costs outweigh your high consumption in the UK, it can become very attractive to spend the winter in Spain. Not convinced yet? Then the following reasons will undoubtedly help with this!

Reason number 1: The lower costs

You now know that energy costs in Spain are much lower. But also life in general is a lot cheaper in Spain than in the north of Europe.

Although the price increases due to inflation are also noticeable in Spain, this is nothing compared to the prices you are used to. Your groceries will be a lot cheaper, and you will also spend a lot less money if, for example, you go out for dinner or grab a terrace. Things like public transport are also a lot more affordable in Spain.

In addition, you pay a lot less for your transport to Spain during the winter period. Airline tickets increase rapidly during the summer months, because that is when the holiday period for families with children begins. During the winter months, however, you will be able to fly to Spain for a few tenners!

The same goes for the accommodation: the more demand it is during a period, the higher the prices are. Because most people want to go to Spain in the summer, prices are much lower in the winter months. Ideal if you want to stay in this wonderful country during that period.

Reason number 2: The wonderful weather

Spain is of course known for it: the wonderful weather! While temperatures in the UK can drop well below zero during the winter, it remains pleasant in Spain.

For example, the average temperature in December to February is around 12 degrees Celsius. So no more tropical temperatures, but enough to not have to suffer from the cold. Moreover, the sun in Spain shines more than 300 days a year, which means that the perceived temperature is soon a lot higher. Sometimes you can even sit on the terrace without a jacket.

An important reason why we focus on houses on the Costa Blanca and the Costa Cálida is the temperature. Here the climate is pleasant all year round, something that is not the case in other areas of Spain. For example, it quickly becomes too hot on the Costa del Sol in the summer, and too cold in other areas such as the Costa Brava during the low season. In short: the Costa Blanca and Costa Cálida are ideal locations to spend the winter in Spain, or rather to enjoy a pleasant Spanish climate all year round.

Reason number 3: Less tourism

Where it can be very busy on the Spanish coast in the summer, you will see that it is a lot quieter in the low season. This makes it easier to make trips to nearby cities without having to queue in long lines.

In addition, you will notice that it is a lot less busy on the boulevard of your favorite place. You can walk around without having to constantly give way to others, or eat at your favorite restaurant without having to book much in advance.

The hustle and bustle can be fun, but if you want to relax during your stay in Spain, this is the ideal time.

Reason number 4: The cozy winter activities

The winter period is the coziest time of the year, and Spain is no exception! Although it feels strange to celebrate Christmas with a shining sun, it really has its charm.

In addition, numerous activities are organized in all cities and villages to celebrate the holidays. You can admire the Christmas lights, visit Christmas markets or visit the nativity scene.

It is also a special experience to celebrate the holidays abroad. Every country has its own traditions and customs. In Spain, for example, Christmas Eve is an important moment. The families then gather for a delicious Christmas dinner.

What's on the menu varies by area. Yet you will find tasty wines, seafood and Spanish ham on many tables. Christmas Day is also an important day, but they don't know Boxing Day in Spain.

In addition, the partying does not stop in Spain once the new year has started. On January 6, the Spaniards celebrate Epiphany: another very important day, which is celebrated with the whole family.

In Spain children are surprised by the Three Kings with gifts. Many parades will also be organized on this day, where the children can catch sweets and admire the brightly colored floats. Here you can read more about the Spanish holidays.

Rent or buy?

You can of course choose to rent accommodation for the short term, to spend the winter in Spain. But it is an even better idea to buy a house in this beautiful country. This is also a great investment for the future, and the stay is also really yours.

This way you can enjoy your dream home in Spain for years, or even decades! When you are in the UK, you can also rent it out to generate extra income. So a win-win!

Whereas in the past wintering was often associated with elderly people, nowadays there are more and more young people who prefer to work from Spain in the winter than from the cold and wet UK. Especially now that teleworking is perfectly possible for many professions, this offers the opportunity to do the work from a pleasant location. In that case, also think about sufficient work space when finding your ideal home.

Do you need help?

We at Rayos de Sol can help you with this. We specialize in the Costa Blanca and Costa Cálida: the areas with the best temperatures all year round. Together with you, we would like to look at the possibilities and how we can realize your dream of a Spanish house under the sun. Do you contact us? We look forward to speaking with you.

