Rayos de sol
Rayos de sol
Rayos de sol



I first met Yvonne and Marco a few years ago and expressed an interest in buying a property in San Cayetano. Over the last few years they have kept me in touch with the market and properties they felt might be suitable for me ; knowing that I had some specific requirements. They have been patient and recently I took possession of my lovely holiday home, all thanks to them. Not only have they acted as real estate agents but they have been most helpful in putting me in touch with builders, decorators and other help required. They have really helped me to get my home established and go above and beyond with nothing is too much trouble.

If you are looking to buy a property in Spain then look no further for an agent you can trust who really does work hard on your behalf to find you the perfect home and to get you in touch with all the right people.

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  • Maximaal te vergoeden kosten 500 euro per bezichtigingsreis (2 personen)
  • Kosten worden alleen vergoed na aankoop van een woning via Rayos de Sol
  • De bezichtigingsreis zal plaatsvinden voor 31 december 2017
  • De bezichtigingsreis wordt volledig verzorgd door Rayos de Sol

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